Open Major Chords are major chords that include unfretted strings of the guitar, making them easier to play.
Major chords are thought of as being 'bright and happy' as opposed to minor chords which are thought of as 'dark and sad'.
Open chords are the easiest chords to play on the guitar and many famous songs can be played using just 3 or 4 open chords. Learning a handful of open chords and memorizing their shape is an important step towards mastering barre chords.
Below is a list of shapes to learn to get you started:
C Major Chord
Abbr.: Cmaj Notes: C, E, G
A Major Chord
Abbr.: Amaj Notes: A, C#, E
G Major Chord
Abbr.: Gmaj Notes: G, B, D
E Major Chord
Abbr.: Emaj Notes: E, G#, B
D Major Chord
Abbr.: Dmaj Notes: D, F#, A